
Each year we achieve numerous Permanence Orders and Permanence Orders with Authority to Adopt (POA/POAA) in the Sheriff Court and Court of Session on behalf of many local authorities.

We are instructed by many of Scotland’s local authorities to pursue Permanence Orders and Permanence Orders with Authority to Adopt on their behalf.

Given our vast experience in contested and contentious litigation involving securing outcomes for LAAC children, we secure successful outcomes with economy of time and cost. We conduct permanence order cases throughout Scotland and the Court of Session. We have also represented local authorities in English courts in cross border adoption placements.

Our vast experience across permanence work has enabled us to ensure the right outcomes for complex and contentious issues, confidently and successfully addressing issues such as:

  • The threshold test
  • The sharing (or not) of parental rights with foster carers
  • The retention (or not) of parental rights to contact and the terms of orders for direct and indirect contact
  • The impact and consequences of parental and sibling contact provisions in POAs/POAAs on the subsequent direct adoption
  • The interfacing with the Children’s Hearings and s95 procedures
  • Interim orders

Get in touch

To find out more, please call JK Cameron on 0141 221 4787 or email us at
